It’s important for your home not only to look good, but to feel good, too! It is scientifically proven that your home and workspace have a large impact on your overall physical and mental health, even in unobvious ways. Wellness design is an approach to enhance environmental health by focusing on particular elements. We believe it is important to address these considerations when designing a space to best serve you and your family. If you are building a new home or remodeling a current one, now is the perfect opportunity to initiate wellness design into your home.
Starting off with the large overall concept of environment psychology, spaces that you spend large amounts of time in, i.e. living and workspaces, influence your physical health and emotional state of mind. In addition to the function a room needs to serve, think about the state of mind you want the room to provoke: a restful bedroom, motivational office space, a comfortable or energetic family room, an inspiring kitchen for healthy cooking, or a relaxing master bathroom. Consider these elements as your develop your design style (i.e. coastal, boho, modern, etc.).
Remodeling, building or refurnishing a home introduces a lot of new materials to your air space. We’ve talked about the impacts of indoor air quality before and importance of creating a healthy environment for you and your family. Always opt for the most natural products available when possible. Synthetic or man-made materials can cause increased asthma sensitives, allergies, light headedness and headaches, and other medical effects. Hardwood flooring compared to engineered wood or carpeting is more durable to last decades, has less chemicals and harmful adhesives like formaldehyde to hold it together. Natural fibers such as cotton, linen, jute, wool, etc. have numerous benefits and omit less toxins than synthetic fibers such as polyester, viscose, nylon, etc. Research the construction of your products and company’s sustainability practices to choose the best products for the environment.
The first rule of lighting is to amplify natural light as much as possible! Natural light reduces energy consumption and lowers your electricity bill compared to artificial light; it also has amazing wellness benefits. to increase your vitamin D intake, boost energy, productivity, and positive sleep habits. Especially in winter, when daylight hours are hard to take advantage of between work and numerous other activities, replacing the light in your environment is crucial. Talk with your designer about the lighting plan for each room – not just the pretty fixtures installed, but the light sources to achieve ambient, task and accent lighting. Mimic the effect of natural light as best as possible.
Between creaky floor boards and your kid’s trombone practice, consider the noises you hear throughout your home and the disturbance they create to peacefulness. Open concept homes have only increased in popularity in the last decade, but they can create a lot of noise if the kitchen, dining and living rooms are all being utilized. Create separation and sound barriers throughout a space using furniture, rugs, artwork and architectural features. Especially in your bedroom, where sleep is of the utmost importance, minimize all additional noise disturbances, such as a ticking clock, TV, and cell phones for the most restful night of sleep. Read a book instead!
Whether it’s a deep seasonal clean out or regular maintenance cleaning, a clean home is a happier, healthier home. It’s not always fun, but blast great music, get the family involved, and give your home and family the respect it deserves to be well cared for. Aim for twice a year to go through your belongings and eliminate items that no longer “spark joy.” We’re still on the “Tidying Up” trend because it matters! Remember to use clean cleaning products as well, that promote a healthy home. We love to shop Grove Collaborative to find natural household products.
At the end of the day, you and your family need a place to come home to and an environment to work in that exudes wellness for your physical and mental health. Take a look around your home, start with a single room, and identify elements that benefit and detriment your wellbeing. Consider your organization practices, lighting solutions, warmth and security, etc. We’re happy to be another set of eyes to help design your dream home.
Interior Impressions Team
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